
The Central Park North

The Central Park North is a beautiful hotel that is in great proximity to a lot of things to do and extremely convenient for those flying into the airport or in need of public transportation. Many customers who have stayed have stated that the prices are great and the staff is extremely friendly to all of the guests that come in which is a bonus because who doesn’t like a warm welcome? Although the hotel has a simple layout, it comes with sweet amenities and has sensational views.

One of the main attractions near by is Central Park which is just a 5 minute walk from the hotel. If this sounds great, you should check it out!

To learn more visit https://thecentralparknorth.reservationstays.com/hotels/Bj1OJLBW?utm_source=adwords_semro&utm_campaign=G:RS:US:PPC:NB:DSA-Prop:US-US:EN&gclid=CjwKCAjwq5-WBhB7EiwAl-HEkmCdCgDAu4ZAcoi3wGNCwaZryyQt1XcmmlBcXkaKaoFGR2eg21kZPhoCL-MQAvD_BwE